Saturday, July 14, 2012
Work Work Work!
We've done a lot of work year...Speech and more speech,behavioral therapy, OT and more OT, PT, Food therapy...What it boils down to it hours of therapy a week with sometimes no break in the days he's in school, going right from school to therapy..its totally crazyness for a kid to have to do this in the first place right? But I know in my heart every penny,every minute of every day spent on therapy is totally worth it.
Cory was approached by an older man yesterday (he's always had a bigger problem with old people) the man was asking him what grade he was in and he said "My name is Cory..first grade..I'm 6 years old." totally AWESOME to think that last year IF he would say anything at all to anybody he would just repeat "My name is Cory" over and over again or just walk away when someone asked him a question :) My mother-in-law is very sick in the hospital and last week when we left the hospital he frowned, walk up to my husband and said "Grandma is very sick." and nodded his head yes up and down until my husband agreed with him....when we went to the park with skt group the other day Cory said to Jake the teen in are group "You are just a BIG KID!" smiling really big ...I think he was trying to figure out why Jake is adult size and acts younger then Cory...I thought it was AWESOME that Cory understands Jake and is trying to understand whats going on with his Grandma :) Yaahh so proud for my baby this year working so hard to understand the world around him and winning :)
Sunday, May 20, 2012
When it rains it pore's....?
Pore Chris has had a really bad week :( First Chris's dr. call and said develomental ped heard a heart murmur and the wanted us to come in first thing Monday morning Chris dr. heard the same thing so we go in for a cardiogram June 4th to check it out.... Sooooo all week Chris's anxiety attack's have been going off 100% he ask's me questions 20 times a day like "Mom my heart beating to fast am I gonna die??" ..."No Chris you were just on the trampoline it'll slow down in a minute." when we were AT the dr. office to check out the heart murmur we found out he had poison oak all the way around his ankles... Took Chris to school, went to get the script for the poison oak and the develpmental ped called AGAIN Chris's genetic testing came back with a totally different mutation the Cory and I so now them wanna test hubby...Then tonight I took Chris in to the ER because we thought he was having a asthma attack...Nope bronchial pneumonia :( Now we go back to see his dr. in the morning...Sure hope we don't get a habit of seeing her every Monday... Everybody please pray next week is better for the little guy and for mommy to not get anymore surprises.
Heart Murmur,
poison oak,
Friday, October 14, 2011
Stupid Hospital! @#$%^&*!

Ok so I'm a little upset, can ya tell? Finally today after over a week of trying to talk to somebody and or get a straight answer on why Chris's CT scan hadn't been even set up I get a call from his doctors office saying "The Radiologist doesn't feel comfortable doing full sedation on an child OVER 6 years old."
She set the CT up in Toledo, but Toledo childrens has nothing open till November 2nd now we have to wait for 2 MORE weeks :( Nope I am NOT a happy camper!!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Chris had another headache tonight after being fine at church earlier in the day and fine playing with his friend all day... came in said he head hurt he couldn't eat dinner then he laid down and fell asleep(samething he's done the last 3 times in the last couple weeks) When I called the Dr. Friday to ask why they haven't set the CT scan up yet they said the person that sets up the CT scans is not in on Fridays and I should get a call tomorrow,(We went to the Dr. on Wednesday they had all of Thursday to figure this out!) If they don't call me in the morning I might just have my own Mommy Meltdown!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Andy Grammer - Keep Your Head Up (Live at the Roxy)
Even when Chris has had a bad couple of days I thought I would share what a awesomely upbeat kid he is, He had school, eye Dr., OT, and Group Therapy all without a break today. Even though his eyes are still bugging him and asked him do you still want to go to OT and group today he said "Ya Mom I'll be ok"
He heard this on the radio on the way home and was just now singing in the shower at the top of his lungs lol :)
He heard this on the radio on the way home and was just now singing in the shower at the top of his lungs lol :)
eye Dr.,
Group Therapy,
positive thinking
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Houston we have a...Misunderstandings...Migraine!
So apparently we've been having a communication problem with Chris my 8 year old that none of us (us, the Dr, or the school) realized for the last 2 weeks. About 2 weeks ago Chris started screaming at school that he had in the middle of reading class that he had something IN his eye, he was taken to the nurses office and she didn't see anything in his eye but he flushed it out anyway just to be sure apparently recess is right before reading class and she thought he might have rubbed some dirt in his eye. His Dad, he and his brother have eyelashes a woman would kill for lol so I thought it happens to his Dad all the time, an eyelash falls in his eye and they are so big and long that they hurt like heck, maybe it just fell in and fell right out and after he rubbed it and with his sensory issues it just feels a lot worse then it does it to him.... Then last week he told me something was in his eye again, not as bad at the first time but still bothered him all day. Last night Chris got home from school and started crying again "Something is in my eye" So I'm thinking ok that's it we're going to the eye doctor tomorrow....then he went in his room and layed down and fell asleep, Chris the kid that doesn't sleep fell asleep, what the heck! and without having any after school snack, and that's very unusual for Chris everybody knows hes a chow-hound...didn't wake up till around 8 o'clock so he slept for about 3 or 4 hours and he didn't want any dinner either and he said he eye still hurt and he kept yelling to turn off all the lights , (OK now I know somethings really wrong here) so I'm asking if his head hurt not just his eye, does his stomach too, and is the pain in the back or the front of his eye...yes his head hurt, yes his stomach hurt, and the pain is in the BACK or his eye NOT the FRONT...after a light bulb went off in my head (Oh jeez he's doesn't have anything in his eye he's having migraines) he promptly throw up all over me and the couch and my coat that was on the back of the couch! Uuuug yuck :p
So we went to the Dr. today, the Dr. agrees (sounds like a migraine) and set up a CT scan for his optic nerve (because we have a history of migraine and ruptured aneurysms in my family and I have migraines, I get scanned every 2 years) she was worried about the pressure in his right eye so she's trying to get him in ASAP, only problem is they only do sedation for kids on certain days, so the silly nurse is asking me "Do you think he can sit still for 45minutes?" Are you kidding me? The kid has Autism and Dyspraxia he doesn't sit still or have an attention span for more then 5minutes. So they are calling me tomorrow to tell me when his CT is....that all I got for now I'll let you guy know what happens next...please pray everything go's fast and come out ok!
So we went to the Dr. today, the Dr. agrees (sounds like a migraine) and set up a CT scan for his optic nerve (because we have a history of migraine and ruptured aneurysms in my family and I have migraines, I get scanned every 2 years) she was worried about the pressure in his right eye so she's trying to get him in ASAP, only problem is they only do sedation for kids on certain days, so the silly nurse is asking me "Do you think he can sit still for 45minutes?" Are you kidding me? The kid has Autism and Dyspraxia he doesn't sit still or have an attention span for more then 5minutes. So they are calling me tomorrow to tell me when his CT is....that all I got for now I'll let you guy know what happens next...please pray everything go's fast and come out ok!
Monday, October 3, 2011
This Kid Come's with Instructions! What? No IEP?
I can't say I wasn't totally nevus about this year with Chris even though I really liked the teacher from the just never know whats gonna happen, first year without an IEP ...its not that he has any behavior problems, its just that some days (not as often as it used to be but still quite a few day) its just isn't possible for Chris to sit still or pay attention, or stop talking non-stop without being prompted over and over, some days it just not possible for Chris to be organized, sometime nothing will get done in Chris's world without step by step instruction being given...not even sleep. Don't get me wrong most days you wouldn't even know anything was going on with him and he has great days....but sometimes WoW! he has his really bad days. So being the crazy Dyspraxia-Autism Mom I am I bring a GIANT folder I have printed out every year he has a new teacher on Dyspraxia and PDD......Of course I have this folder hidden behind my back (because I'm a GIANT chicken) waiting to hear what the teacher has to say first. So the first thing the teacher says is "Chris is such a joy to have in class" and I've heard this before many times before because Chris is a very happy upbeat, funny, friendly kid...its really hard not to like Chris I'm waiting for the "but" because theirs always a "but" were Chris is concerned, then he shows me Chris's test score ...average or above average on everything, then tells be how smart Chris is and that he was shocked when Chris started to teach the class one day "What do you mean? I asked" well apparently Chris like social studies and science and when the teacher started talking about president's Chris got up and started telling the class all about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington in detail and the all the teacher could do was stand their with his mouth hanging open and class was just looking at Chris like WoW!.... :) so I had to laugh because, well yeah once Chris likes a subject he's gonna talk about it non-stop.... "But" the teacher say......OK their go's the "but" ...."sometime Chris get a little distracted" that's when I know it was going to be ok because he didn't say this kids unorganized, or won't stop moving, or won't I described Dyspraxia to the teacher and he said " Yeah that sounds about right" oh so then I tell him..."I just happened to have printed up some paper on Dyspraxia and PDD if you would like to read them?"...."Yeah sure just send am to school with Chris"..."Oh no I have them right here" I hand him my GIANT folder and of course he's laughing at me and looking at me like I'm the crazy lady...that I am! :) So according to the teacher Chris is having a great year so fare with no IEP to instructing everybody on what to do next....Don't you wish all kids came with instructions?
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